Triple Threat Series
Finish any 3 patty burger (minimum), Loaded Fries
(Golden or Sweet Potato) and a shake in under 15 minutes!
The Rules
- 1Burger is minimum 18 oz plus toppings and bun.
- 2Must eat the entire burger, fries & shake in 15 minutes or less.
- 3Cannot leave the table.
- 4No help!
$25 to participate | Additional Patties or Toppings will be an additional charge
take on the challenge and win a free t-shirt!
Current Champions
Derek Hendrickson
3/8/19 | 11 Min. 89 Sec.
Mitch Dromboski
3/8/19 | 6 Min. 56 Sec.
Michael Tawfik
8/18/19 | 5 Min. 35 Sec.
Want To Be King Or Queen?
Add A Patty And Beat The Time Of The Current Champ!
Wall Of Fame
Ramsey Carter
1/28/22 / 14 Min. 35 Sec.
Christian Wardlaw
10/6/21 / 14 Min. 25 Sec.
Brandon Kavanaugh
9/26/21 / 14 Min. 55 Sec.
Jeff Bender
9/19/21 / 14 Min. 43 Sec.
James Hosobe
3/28/19 | 12 Min. 49 Sec.
Stravos Theoharatos
4/29/18 | 7 Min. 32 Sec.
Jose Ponce
8/3/19 | 12 Min. 55 Sec.
David Wynne
6/27/18 | 14 Min. 47 Sec.
Wall Of Shame
Isaiah Cox
2/14/23 / Clock Won
Kesia Shine
2/15/23 / Clock Won
Andrei Cherny
1/9/22 / Clock Won
Kendrick Quan
1/4/22 / Clock Won
Anthony Neri
9/26/21 / Clock Won
Jonathan Lathrop
9/26/21 / Clock Won
Gillian McShefferey
8/1/21 / Clock Won
Jeff Bender
7/24/21 / Clock Won
Dominic Francis
5/22/21 / Clock Won
Mathew Tagge
11/19/19 | CLOCK WON
Dakota Ferris
8/18/19 | CLOCK WON
6/10/18 | CLOCK WON
Cameron Bettner
4/13/19 | CLOCK WON
Tyuana O'neal
5/9/19 | CLOCK WON
Dale Fox
2/13/19 | CLOCK WON
Sara Turner
2/23/19 | CLOCK WON